
Here's the thing I love about summer: you get to do things that you normally wouldn't do or wouldn't have the time for (in my case). My town does this thing where every Thursday night they have a free music concert, each week it's a different genre. This past week was oldies which was awesome. It was also an oldies night for me- I got to catch up with an old friend who I haven't seen in ages!

Outfit Details:
Dress: Target (I couldn't believe it!!)
Bracelet: Forever 21
Belt: Urban Outfitters 
Shoes: Jeffery Campbell

The band that played in the park was a local group (unfortunately didn't get their name) but they had a lot of energy. . A bunch of couples who are no longer twenty got up and danced together, which was really cute! I hope I'm like that when I'm older. Here are my favorites that the band played. My a capella group performed The Drifter's song last year! 

Anyway, like I mentioned in my last post, I'll be away in Italy for a few days so I'm not sure if/when I can post. So if I can, expect a post from overseas, and if not, expect a monster post when I return. Until then,

Keep Calm and Chiffon

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